Why I’ve trained in colour

Colour Analysis

So picture this. I found the most beautiful fabric and the perfect dress pattern. It wasn’t cheap but I love quality fabric so “it’s definitely an investment” I thought. I spend hours and hours making the said dress. It fits perfectly, its a style that I really love and it goes really well with my boots and bag.

So why oh why does this dress never make it out of my wardrobe? Why don’t I feel as good in it as it looks on the dress form?

I can’t tell you the number of times that this has happened to me, so many hours and so much money wasted making things that I never wear. In fact, just before the house move last year I donated most of my handmade clothes to charity, not because they didn’t fit, not because I didn’t like them, but because I didn’t feel great in them and now I realise that was because the colours simply didn’t work on me.

Initially I decided that I would go to visit a Colour Consultant and get “my colours done”, but the more I thought about and researched it, the more I wanted to learn more than my own colours. I wanted to become a Consultant. So I decided to train with Colour Me Beautiful.

I’ve still got some more training to complete, but I’m now able to assess someone’s dominant colour palette, its such an amazing process, seeing the difference it makes to your face. I love that it makes you look amazing in the clothes, not that the clothes are just nice. Ive also found its helped me to understand more about what colours work well together. You can find out more about the dominant colour consultation Here

I’m a soft dominant and have the 30 colours shown in the image below. Yes I’d of loved for there to be lots of pinks and pastels but I can totally see (through the practical training and draping of these colours on myself) why I never felt great when I wore them.

I’ve had a huge sort out and am due to “Vint” or donate the clothes that I know I will no longer wear, but I do have quite a few that are great.

I’ll now start to slowly purchase fabrics or carefully selected RTW garments to make a wardrobe that I feel great in. A wardrobe where all the garments work well together.

My first fabric purchase was this beautiful Atelier Brunette viscose, it works so well with my soft palette. Now I just need to decide what to make.

Keep an eye on the Blog to see what I make or buy as I build my wardrobe.

Have a happy and creative week

Mel xx


The Linen Deer & Doe Myosotis Dress


The Linen Closet Core Patterns Elodie Dress